We are deeply saddened to learn that Shurijo Castle’s Seiden, Hokuden and Nanden halls and more were destroyed in the fire at Shurijo Castle Park that broke out in the early hours of October 31, 2019.
Shurijo Castle was the center of politics and culture in the days of the Ryukyu Kingdom and is on the UNESCO World Heritage List as Shuri-jô site.
We will be endeavoring to gather information about the conditions and to offer accurate information to tourists and related organizations for the purpose of ensuring the safety of tourists visiting Okinawa.

Yoshiro Shimoji
Chairman of Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau(OCVB)

需要冲绳观光信息,请参考一下网站 https://www.visitokinawa.jp/?lang=zh-hans

一般财团法人 冲绳观光会议局(以下简称OCVB)是为了重建冲绳观光的有力且有效的推进体制,将观光与会议领域统合一元化,于1996年4月设立“官民一体型”的县内唯一的推进主体。 自设立以来,为了满足日益多样化的日本国民旅游动向及与国内外观光先进地区之间的激烈竞争,通过在国内外开展招商宣传业务、推进接纳体制整备业务、培养观光度假相关产业人才,以及召开各类活动,进一步提高观光度假行业的活跃度。



名称 一般财团法人 冲绳观光会议局(OCVB)
总公司所在地 邮政编码901-0152
冲绳县那霸市字小禄1831-1 冲绳产业支援中心2F
联系信息 TEL +81-98-859-6123(总台)
FAX +81-98-859-6221/+81-98-859-6222



据点 东京办事处
地址 邮政编码100-0006
东京都千代田区 有乐町2-10-1东京交通会馆3楼
联系方式 TEL +81-3-5220-5311
FAX +81-3-5220-9720
营业时间/定休日 9:00 ~ 17:45
© Copyright Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau All rights Reserved.
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